Thursday, September 6, 2007

YAY Friday's almost here!

What a week...Jacob's had a stomach virus since last Tuesday and still has it. Took him to the dr. yesterday just to make sure that's all it was. I was right. He is also cutting about 10 new teeth in that head of his so I think that's part of the fussiness......A young man in our Sunday School class passed away last Sunday. He was just 29 and died of cancer. He left a wife of 5 years. Very sad. So yesterday Jacob and I went to the funeral......Today we went to Crapmart and got some groceries. woo hoo... Jacob likes flirting with everyone though so he had fun at least. Then back home to more fussy-butt..... tonight watching some football and chatting online and blogging.....tomorrow we'll go to Hank's football game.....If you don't know, my parents are building their house so mom called to day very excited that they had bought some new furniture. It should be ready by Thanksgiving. We're going there for Christmas. I can't wait to see it!.....Speaking of houses, we are signing another lease for this apartment. Hope to get our own house next summer....then I can have a yard and grow veggies :)....Guess that's about it... stay tuned for more excitement from us....Hopefully I'll get inspired and make some more jewlery for my mom's store and put a pic or two on the blog...



Redhead Runner said...

Be careful or cats that suck will pee on beds of guests before thanksgiving.

Tammy said...

that is sooo grose!!! you know Tom hates cats too!