Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Night Footblah

Tonight's special: Lee County loses to Dougherty County 21-3, and it wasn't that close. We're now 1-3 for the season!

Worse is that we couldn't march our halftime show because it rained all day until about 6:00 (kickoff was at 7:30), and we might mess up the field. So there we are in perfectly good weather, nice breeze blowing, no rain, and we had to play a standstill performance from the track.

But, the good news: We're performing at an early-season exhibition tomorrow in Tifton (about an hour east of here), and Elphaba is finally going to fly! It will be the first time this season. I'll try to get some video. I saw it in rehearsal for the first time on Thursday, and it's a neat effect, even though we haven't added the fog/smoke effects yet. Our first competitive performance is in two weeks!


Laura said...

I can't wait to see video! I hope you get some good footage--I had forgotten you were doing a Wicked show.

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

No video this time :( :( I couldn't get up to the press box in time, so I had to watch the show from the sideline. Next week is homecoming, so Elphaba will have the week off. I'll try to get video at our Oct. 6 competition.