Monday, February 11, 2008

I haven't blogged in a while...

For those of you wondering if I'm still able to use a computer -- I'm still here! I haven't blogged in a while, mostly because I've been out of town. Over the past four weeks, I attended the January Honor Band Festival (aka "JanFest") at the University of Georgia, the Georgia Music Educators Association Clinic/Conference in Savannah, and the GMEA District 2 Honor Band in Norman Park, Georgia. This weekend I'm looking forward to spending the long weekend (no school Monday for President's Day) at home relaxing with Tammy and Jacob.

In other news -- just 4 weeks until festival! For the few non-band geeks who might be reading, "festival" (it's proper name in Georgia is Large Group Performance Evaluation, or LGPE for short) involves the band performing on stage in front of three judges. Each judge gives a rating; we are aiming for Superior ratings. Then the band goes into another room in front of another judge and performs a piece of music they have never seen. Once again, we are aiming for a Superior rating. I get to go through that routine on Thursday, March 13 with my Wind Ensemble (that's the top group) and Friday, March 14 with my Symphonic Band. So, the countdown is on!

For those who may not have heard, Mom was diagnosed with lymphoma a few weeks ago. We are trying to convince her to set up a blog to keep everyone updated. Meanwhile, keep checking your email for the latest.

I guess that's all for now. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my nasal rinse, but if you do, please feel free to comment and I'll blog about it later. (You thought the warts were gross....)


Karen L. Reese said...

LOL Nasal rinse???? Oh THIS has got to be good.....

jenni said...

HANK - NOOOOO -- SPARE US The details PLEASE -- KAREN you should be struck down for questioning..

Tammy said...

NOOOOOO is right!!!! Trust me - you DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!! If you encourage him - he'll put pictures on too!!!I may be forced to ban him from our blog if this occurs.

Laura said...

Hank, I appreciate your love and support but please do not shave your head- it would not be pretty!. I love you but your scalp has moles and bumps and poor tammy would have to look at it!! love, mom

Karen L. Reese said...

LOL!!!! You guys are SO easily excitable.....


Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Well, OK, no nasal rinse details. It's not THAT gross. Well, OK, yeah, it is. And I have to do it EVERY DAY just to breathe like a normal person. So just be glad YOU don't have to do it! :)

Karen L. Reese said...

LOL Eh, it can't be as bad as trying to snort ground salt to get rid of a cold.....