Monday, December 1, 2008

Back Home and more Thanks

Since Hank did our blog on Thanksgiving, I thouht I'd say what I am thankful for.
Safe travels to and from Nebraska and an awsome little boy who really did well considering the 4 days he spent in the car............Generous family for having us visit with them for an entire week!....all the fun stuff Jen planned for us.......Wii Fit (no we don't have one - but we sure enjoyed playing it all week)...........My wonderful husband who is my best friend and keeps me sane and always sees things on a positive note........My church.............My parents whom I can't wait to see in a few weeks!!.............My sweet little Jacob for saying at just the right moments "oh well!"............My friends from all over - I thank God for having to add to our Christmas card list this year and every year.......Our home - this year we spend Christmas in our house in lieu of the apartment we've spent the past 2 Christmas in.............Fall leaves - we came back to glorious colorful trees in our yard!............Fried turkey (yes - this is an awsome thing if you have never had one - you must!)............New recipes from friends and family to add to the collection............My cute nephew Benjamin who made me cry when we had to leave him on Saturday..............I suppose I could go on and on - but must sign off for now. I must get back to unpacking, laundry, etc. It was a great Thanksgiving!


Ashley said...

glad that you had a great thanksgiving and had safe travels!!