Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turken-TACKY Day everyone!

Turken-tacky, Day 4!
We got up this morning and walked the Turkey Trot 5K in our Turken-tacky t-shirts. Then we came back to "Ben's House" to watch the Macy's Parade on the big screen downstairs.

We ate and ate and ate - Pete cooked up two awesome turkeys (including a fried one, which was fantastic), and Jenn took care of the desserts -- rum cakes (of course), homemade pecan pie, and pumpkin cheesecake.

After dinner, we headed to downtown Omaha for the lighting of the downtown Christmas lights. It was awesome! Then back home to watch Texas beat Texas A&M.

It was a great day to spend with family. And since it is Thanksgiving, it is only right to share things we are thankful for. So, all tackiness aside, here's my (Hank's) list:
* the generous hospitality of my brother and sister-in-law
* a great (and cute) nephew
* a strong dad who is a wonderful and loving Paw-Paw
* a beautiful sister who is special beyond words, and her husband who always keeps us laughing
* an adorable little boy named Jacob, who is a blessing every day (even if he is unusually whiny when he's in Nebraska)
* plenty of food to eat (especially today)
* great band kids to work with
* and my amazing wife. She is beautiful and caring; she is a fantastic mom, she takes great care of me, and she is my best friend.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (Time to start teaching Jacob some Christmas carols!)