Monday, December 29, 2008


What a week!  I'm sitting here trying to get motivated to hit my "to do" list which involves mass amounts of cleaning, organizing, putting stuff away and trying really hard to stay away from the pile of sweets that are left over.  I also have pictures to get off the camera and videos too and add to the blogs.  hopefully soon....

I had a really great time with my parents here and also with Hank's dad.  Just about every day involved a shopping trip, a nap, driving around looking for Christmas lights (what was up this year?!! - no one had any lights!), at least 2 awsome meals, and hearing Jacob say "Grammaw - come play da puzzle?"... We heard that a LOT!  Thanks mom for the puzzles - Jacob sure seems to like them :)  And dad - you would be proud to know Jacob told everyone at church that he got a bicycle for Christmas!  We will be taking it out today as the sun has finally come out and the rain has gone.  Paw-paw - I'm sure once the replacement wheel for the choo choo comes - we will probably have to barricade it in as Jacob will want to be in it all day long!  I think it's time for Jacob to have his own garage as he now owns a bicycle, pedal train, electric car, wagon and lawn mower.  Yep - our back porch is quite full now! :)

And... I must say how much better Jacob is doing after his trip to the hospital.  We started off the week with a stay at Phoebe.  Yep - we always have to have an illness during the holiday - so this year it will be Jacob and his croup.  Can't anyone just get a papercut or something???

So, even though there are no pictures to look at yet - I just wanted everyone to know that we enjoyed hosting Christmas this year and hope to do it again sometime.  It was really special for us to open presents under our tree and hang our stockings on a fireplace that we have never had until now.  And it was also fun to cook the big meal.  I'm so glad the goose turned out good!!! - I had plan "b" in the freezer... what ?? frozen pizza would not have been good for Christmas?? :)

Well - back to my list and I wish all of you a Very Happy New Year!


Fluffy Bunny Slippers said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all!

There's a website you might enjoy for motivation on cleaning -- -- she's got all these awesome tips about how to keep things in order without a whole lot of work. It's really neat!

Anyway, glad you had a great time!