Sunday, December 9, 2007

the tree is up!

We got a little tree this year. Putting it up on a table might not be the smartest idea we've had - but we'll just have to see. It was cheaper though :) Jacob is helping daddy water the tree. We had a high of 86 degrees yesterday!!!! so the poor tree needed all the help it could get.

the finished tree
here's a pic of our decorations. Umpah gave us a box of old decorations he used to put on their tree. They are so cool!!! Lots of wooden ones, hand made ones and some from around the world too. It really makes for a special tree.


jenni said...

I complain about the cold around here -- but it just doesn't even seem right to see christmas trees and people in shorts!!!!

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Last Monday we were scraping frost off the window; now it's back to summer temperatures! It was up around 80 again today, and tomorrow we're supposed to have a record high in the low 80s.

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

By the way, if anyone wants to claim any ornaments they remember from Grams and Umpah's tree, just let us know ... we probably have them.