Monday, October 22, 2007

Not something you see every day...

Some of you might know that our church makes Christian movies (Flywheel, Facing the Giants). We are now working on our third movie, called Fireproof. It's partially about firefighters, so today at church they were shooting some scenes. I am babysitting for the cast/crew kids on Monday mornings, and today we got to go watch them do some filming. They invited all the kids who were in our daycare today to come out and they did a little fire safety demo. They also showed the kids the trucks and equipment. I tried to get Jacob to sit still in a few group scenes, but he just wanted to roam around and give me a fit. I think I might have gotten him in for a few minutes as they did some filming of him just wandering around. Not sure if they'll use it - but it's fun to think that he might be in a small part of the movie. The movie won't be out til next fall so it will be a while before I know if my little man made his film debut yet. That's about it for a Monday. Just wanted to pass on what's going on in the Carter household.