Sunday, October 14, 2007


Well, Queep, I'm sorry we missed the big upset. Don't worry, we'll be glued to the tube next weekend! Funny, though, how you beat a team and they still end up ranked higher than you. That's not right.

Anyway, we missed the game because of camping. Jacob was great. If you missed out on his fun, well, why in the world are you reading this blog before reading his? DUH.

It was warm during the day and cold at night - perfect weather if you ask me. As it got colder at night, we added layers. Here's how it worked:
- Tammy is wearing jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, and a sweatshirt. I am wearing a tshirt and shorts.
- Later, Tammy adds a light jacket. I'm still wearing a tshirt and shorts.
- Later, Tammy wraps herself in blanket. I'm still wearing a tshirt and shorts.
- Tammy digs the hood from her sweatshirt out from under the blanket and puts it over her head. I finally decide it might be getting cold. I put on a fleece, but I'm still wearing shorts.
- Time to go to bed. Tammy replaces the jeans with PJ pants, and the blanket is now covering her sleeping bag. She wishes she had a hat. I remove my fleece, replace my shorts with PJ pants, and unzip the side of the sleeping bag so my feet can cool off.

This proves that women are (as my father-in-law would say) COLD-BLOODED. ;)


jenni said...

I feel Tammy's pain... Pete is a heater and I am not... He'll sit around in the cold (anything below 68 degrees :D ) and I need to find shelter.. However.. He drips to the point of melting if the temp raises over 74 - and I'm good till about 103...

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Point taken. I sweat ridiculous amounts, especially in the humidity down here.

Laura said...

Last year Pete and I invested in a heated mattress pad --with dual controls and a preheat setting --the best purchase of the year!