Friday, October 26, 2007

Jen, you have inspired me.....

So, I really don't like Halloween. It's my least favorite holiday and I just assume skip it. But, I do think it's cute to see little ones in costume and I really wanted Jacob to be a fireman this year. I put off buying a costume and really wasn't going to mess with it until I chatted with Jen (my sister-in-law) today. Sooooo ... despite the fact that I can't sew and don't have a sewing machine anyway, I decided to use good ole duct tape and see what I could do. So - here's the start of it. I need to make a badge and pick up a hat. Don't have black shoes - but I will work on that too. The pants were given to me by a friend so I don't feel too bad that I cut a hole in them when I was trimming the tape. Oh well... So, hopefully it will be a cool night for Jacob to wear this heavy fleece and lined pants.

Our church has an annual festival called "Candyfest" and Hank and I are working in one of the booths for an hour and then we'll take Jacob around. Should be fun :)


jenni said...

CUTE STUFF!!! I don't know if I'd bother with a hat.. he's not going to wear it most of the time anyway...
did I mention CUTE STUFF -- WTG

Laura said...

That's really cute Tammy! Good Job! Hannah's going to be a bumblebee, but we just bought her costume at Target.

Redhead Runner said...

Duct tape makes the world go round.