Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's new with us...

What a crazy year thus far...! Hank and I have had one of the most memorable years yet. Sometimes I forget that our friends read this blog in addition to our family - but I feel like I only write stuff that family already knows about...sooooo...for the rest of you, here's what we've been up to.

Sally...To start off our year, Hank's mom (Sally) was diagnosed with lymphoma. She did chemo from Jan-May and was told she was in remission at end of May. We took a 2 week trek/vacation to visit my folks in Louisiana in early June; and then spent a week with Hank's folks a week later. When we got there on a Saturday evening, Sally seemed like Sally - only with no hair and that was about it. By Wednesday of that same week, she became bedriddin with terrible pain in her back and legs, numbness all over and double vision, facial swelling and muscle control loss... Crazy!! The first half of the week, we were hopeful that she was on her way to recovery, and the last part of the week she was very ill and after numerous calls to several doctors, no one knew what it was. So, at the end of that week, we came home. A week later we were at friends and Hank's dad called on the cell to tell us that Sally had central nervous system lymphoma (spine and brain). They told her initially that if she did no treatment, she would have 8 days to live - and that if she did treatments, she would have 3 months. Sadly, she died in 3 months. During those three months, we traveled to Arkansas where they lived to spend as much time with her as we could. Those times were the hardest times I've ever had, just knowing that she wouldn't be with us and feeling the pain Hank was feeling of losing her. I pray no one has to go through that ever!

During June-September, between our traveling - we bought our 2nd house! We moved here when Jacob was only 2 months old in July, 2006 - moved into an apartment for two it was time for a house! We are settling in finally and loving the back yard. Can't wait to use the fireplace! Today it was 90 -but the way the weather is around here, it could be in the 40's in a day or two :)

Our church....Exciting times at our church (Sherwood Baptist - Albany, GA). When we moved here, we visited lots of small churches, but always kept coming back to Sherwood. We finally joined a year ago next month. We have made great friends in our Sunday School class and through choir and orchestra. Hank loves playing with the orchestra. Those guys/gals are amazing! I love singing in the choir. We have about 80 on a typical Sunday. We are now preparing for our Dec. 14th concert. In other church news, most of you know about Fireproof. That's the latest movie our church made. The first two were Flywheel and Facing the Giants. It's quite exciting to be a part of all that. Go check out Fireproof as it's still in theaters this weekend! and doing great. For an independent church-made film - not bad to stay in the top 10 for 3 weeks running. And when you go see it, look for my name in the credits! :)

Spiritual Growth...Hank and I are also growing spiritually. It's so special to me to see Hank digging into Bible study, joining men's groups, being mentored and teaching Jacob all the awsome things that God has for him. I love the fact that our church challenges us to read the Bible, pray and tell other's about Christ - which is what the church should be doing. We're both trying hard to keep growing in our faith and I'm asking God to help me to be bolder about sharing it - you might have figured that out by now reading this blog :)

Friends....We have some awsome friends :)! It's funny thinking about all the places we've lived and how we have groups of friends in each place. I recently joined Facebook and have had a blast reconnecting with people I haven't talked to in over 20 years! We've got friends through churches, schools, Gator connections, and even family friends. We really enjoy visiting my parents in Louisiana and hanging out with their friends at their church (some are relatives).

Babies....many friends are having babies this year. Welcome to the world John Ball, Stiles Lee Brinson, Andy Leff and Ashley Laurel Canino! You all have awsome parents :) Looking foward to meeting the newest baby McBride next year!

Hobbies....As most of you know, my mom and dad have a shop in Louisiana where they sell mom's mosiac art, old china, gifts and antiques. Dad has gotten into restoring antiques and he build custom furniture. They are having so much fun! They shop when they travel and bring back all their treasures for their store. I started making beaded jewlery years ago and now sell it in their store. I also make scrapbook greeting cards and those have really taken off. I am now starting to make a big batch of Christmas ones.. better get on that...been saying this for 3 weeks now :( Hank's so busy with his job - he really doesn't have time for hobbies - but he loves his Florida Gators! so guess watching football can be a hobby? His other favorite pasttime is playing with Jacob :)

Speaking of Jacob... well - he has his own blog - which I just posted about a mile's worth of stuff on him so check it out if you want to catch up on our little guy.

so there you have first long blog (ever I think?)...I shoud do this more often. I've been reading other friends blogs lately and realized that mine suffers by comparison :(

love you all!