Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interesting clip from ER

I don't watch ER any more, but I used to. I heard about this clip and thought I would share it:

A Powerful Lesson from ER


Fluffy Bunny Slippers said...

Hmmmm. I liked the ER clip. Didn't really like what the guy after the clip had to say.

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

Well, I'm glad you at least watched it.

Fluffy Bunny Slippers said...

Yeah, I kept watching, hoping the guy would have something I could agree with, but.....he seemed more interested in God's judgment than God's love, and that didn't sit real well with me.

*shrug* To each his own, I suppose.

Tuba, or not tuba ... that is the question said...

So because God loves us, everyone gets in to heaven no matter what?

Fluffy Bunny Slippers said...

Um, no...I didn't discuss heaven or hell at all. Rather, my issue with the man's presentation was that his initial focus and indeed the crux of his analysis and speech was on the JUDGMENT from God, and not the LOVE from God.

On this Earth there is precious little Love shared with others as it is. Divine Love shared between humans is even less.

If God is indeed going to judge us all at the end of time or the end of our days, why would I need to do so before He does? Surely He would be more skilled at judging people (being omnipotent and all that) than I would be as a mere human mortal?

For this and many other reasons, I find much more wonderment and much
more awe in Divine Love, or the Love of God, than I do in any judgment or proclamation of what is "right in God's eyes."

But then....I'm not your typical person of faith. I don't claim to know what is right for anyone other than myself. Each of us has our own path to walk, and from my path and my perspective, I cannot sit in
judgment of yours. It is yours to walk as you see fit, following your own heart and your own convictions.

There are many aspects of faith and spirituality I could touch on and explain my own perspective and opinions of, but I feel it would take up far too much of your comment area in your blog. If you are truly interested in my thoughts
and opinions of such things, perhaps I could find a different venue to discuss them in, such as a dedicated blog or something. I shut down two of my blogs, so I could certainly re-open one of them to dedicate to this if you so desire.
